A few Saturdays ago I told my children to get ready we were going to the mall. Tucker was like ok, Taylor said "do we have to?", Tessa was like Yea!!! let's go!!! I did not tell them we were going to get pictures taken. I would have never gotten Tucker to the mall then, Taylor would not have come out of her room. Tessa would have been dressed to the hilt and ready to go. She loves the mall and having her picture taken. Both of my sisters and I took all of our kids to have pictures taken with Nanny and Papaw. Nanny did not know we were going to do this, it was a complete surprise. She thought she was going to have her picture taken with just the youngest grandchild "Nevaeh". Surprise!!! you get ALL six of them in the picture!

Here is the real "Carsuo" kids!

The girls love to pick on their big brother?
Can you pick out the one who looks like me?? the one who looks like their dad?
The whole Gang!